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Latest client reviews

Errol S., 1 months ago
Muriel D., 8 days ago

Their professional demeaner they have!

Yes, on the day that we handed over the house we noticed that the cupboards were not cleaned, and the shower was not cleaned. Overall, we were very happy.

Cathrine, 3 days ago

He was so good in doing his work ,I really appreciate that

He charged me a lot of money for a quick small thing

Niroshini P., 23 days ago
Jeannie N., 1 days ago
Louis C., 7 days ago

Although only a quote, was prepared to come out all the way.Eben was very professional and knowledgeable.Submitted a detailed quote within a short time.Very impressed.

Christine V., 7 days ago

Communicated very well. Did their best to clean the house.

They took much longer to complete the job than expected. They should have sent more than 3 people. Bathrooms were not properly cleaned. A few cupboards in the kitchen were also missed. Big house and it was dirty, the team tried their best to clean the house and were very willing to work hard.

Waline S., 19 days ago
Karen D. P., 7 days ago

VIP gave Perfect service , meticulous work, great ongoing feedback thro the repair. Highly recommended . A huge range of referred companies that came back to me from a bakkie/ builder to start up business with no record to supply guarantees on work & even a “reputable” company slated on Hello Peter!!

Edwin V., 13 days ago

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